Sobrepeso em adolescentes de escolas p迆blicas: desempenho de tr那s crit谷rios diagn車sticos

作者:Damasceno; Marta Maria Coelho; Lopes; Marcos Venicios de Oliveira; Oliveira; Dalva Damasceno; Nogueira; Natalia Ponte; Siqueira; Iana de Almeida; Macedo; Suyanne Freire de
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2009, 22(2): 198-204.


objective: to compare the performance of three anthropometric criteria used in clinical practice to identify obesity among brazilian teenagers. methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted with 720 students, aged 14 to 19 years old, from public schools of fortaleza. the body mass index was used to classify students%26apos; weight according to each one of the three criteria. results: there were disagreements among the three criteria to classify students%26apos; weight. higher disagreements occurred during classification of weight among male students aged 16 years old (13.3%) and female students aged 14 years old (12.5%). conclusion: the use of at least two anthropometric criteria can be a useful strategy to improve the identification and classification of teenagers with abnormal body weight.