The influence of late-season boron (B) application on the bud B concentration and fruit set was studied in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). The experiment was carried out on 5-year-old &Summit* and &Hedelfinger* trees on rootstock Gisela 5 in Fruit Growing centre Ga nik. Trees were sprayed with B (1% Bortrack) or water (control). Differences in B concentration were measured between cultivars, the highest content in &Hedelfinger* buds. Boron application resulted in increased B concentration in flower buds. Fruit set was influenced with cultivar, boron application and micro location. Fruit set was statistically higher in &Hedelfinger* than in &Summit* trees. The results showed that B fertilization had no effect on fruit set of &Summit* despite increased concentration of boron by 94.8% in dormant flower buds. Foliar boron spraying of &Hedelfinger* was effective in increasing B concentration (by 157.2%) and fruit set on half trees.