
Purpose: Durability tests of materials relining dentures should be carried out in conditions reflecting the realloading that accompanies bite force transmission. The influence of geometry resulting from a denture foundationshape on real stresses in relining has not been so far found.Design/methodology/approach: Using FEM modeling, identified were the stress levels in relining layers inconditions reflecting biting loading for two opposite cases of bone foundation atrophy.Findings: The equivalent Huber-Mises` stresses have not reached their critical values, although tangentialstresses on the interfacial where relining is bonded with denture base have reached 440kPa, which, for some of thecommercial types of relining denotes the bonding strength.Research limitations/implications: The linear elastic mechanical characteristics were assumed. Hence,during further research, taken into account should be the ※stiffening§ of characteristics in the upper loadings range,which is typical for silicones.Practical implications: In case of a convex foundation the biggest danger will be caused by any bond defectsoccurring in the central area because in that area shear of bond has reached the highest values.Originality/value: Values of stresses components identified in this paper reflect the real shear conditions ofrelining bonding with denture base and might constitute a determinant for strength tests.
