the more commonly used traditional soil fertility indicators emphasize the acid-basic balance and the content of chemical elements, but do not consider adequately the biologic soil properties, largely responsible for soil functioning. the biologic indicators, not yet sufficiently used, take into consideration the microbial activity that is more sensible to soil dynamics. this study was carried out in marapanim-pa and using a completely randomized plot design, with four replications, to evaluate the behavior of some indicators such as microbial biomass, acid phosphatase, soil organic matter, organic carbon and available phosphorus - in a soil cultivated with cassava and corn, and in which the secondary vegetation was prepared by slash-and-trituration practice. the slash-and-trituration, rock phosphate and green manure factors were arranged in the following treatments: secondary vegetation; control; rock phosphate (rp); wonderbean canavalia ensiformis (l.) dc (w); rp + w; rp + pigeonpea cajanus cajan (l.) millspaugh (p); rp + tithonia tithonia diversifolia (hemsley) a. gray (t); w + p; w + t. in four season of sampling, soil samples were taken from the 0 - 10 cm layer of each parcel to measure the indicator values. the indicators studied were influenced by the time of soil sampling. the acid phosphatase, microbial biomass nitrogen and microbial biomass carbon soil indicators were capable of detecting the effects of a higher number of soil reclamation treatments, while soil organic matter was the least capable. with the passing of time, the response of the indicators varied according to the factors studied.