Iterated effective embeddings of abelian p-groups

作者:Downey Rod*; Melnikov Alexander G; Ng Keng Meng
来源:International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 2014, 24(7): 1055-1084.


This paper contributes to the theory of recursively presented (see Higman [Subgroups of finitely presented groups, Proc. R. Soc. Ser. A 262 (1961) 455-475]) infinitely generated abelian groups with solvable word problem. Mal%26apos;cev [On recursive Abelian groups, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 146 (1962) 1009-1012] and independently Rabin [Computable algebra, general theory and theory of computable fields, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1960) 341-360] initiated the study of such groups in the early 1960%26apos;s. In this paper, we develop a technique that we call iterated effective embeddings. The significance of our new technique is that it extends existing methods from the realm of iterated 0 %26apos;%26apos; arguments to iterated 0%26apos;%26quot; ones. This is a new phenomenon in computable algebra. We use this technique to confirm a 30 year-old conjecture of Ash, Knight and Oates [Recursive abelian p-groups of small length,]. More specifically, Ash, Knight and Oates [Recursive abelian p-groups of small length.] conjectured that there exists a computable reduced abelian p-group of Ulm type omega such that its effective invariants, defined using limitwise monotonic functions, cannot be found uniformly. We construct a computable reduced abelian p-group of Ulm type omega where its invariants are at the maximum possible level of non-uniformity. The result confirms the conjecture in a strong way, and it provides us with an explanation of why computable reduced p-groups of Ulm type omega seem hard to classify in general. We also use p-basic trees and their iterated embeddings to solve a problem posed in [W. Calvert, D. Cenzer, V. S. Harizanov and A. Morozov, Effective categoricity of abelian p-groups, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 159(1-2) (2009) 187-197].

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