Monitoramento em cabine de seguranˋa biol車gica: manipulaˋˋo de cepas e descontaminaˋˋo em um laborat車rio de micobact谷rias

作者:Ueki; Suely Yoko Mizuka; Chimara; Erica; Yamauchi; Jonas Umeoka; Latrilha; Fabio de Oliveira; Simeo; Fernanda Cristina dos Santos; Moniz; Leticia Li**oa; Giampaglia; Carmen Maria Saraiva; Telles; Maria Alice da Silva
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2008.


objectives: to verify the evidence of aerosol formation during the manipulation of mycobacteria strains for susceptibility (st) and identification tests (it) as well as the decontamination effect of alcohol solution 70% and ultraviolet (uv) radiation in biological safety cabinets (bsc) after laboratory procedures. methods: one plate was exposed in a bsc during st and it procedures. afterwards, the bsc was cleaned and decontaminated with alcohol solution 70% and exposed to uv radiation for 15 minutes. after that, another plate was exposed for two hours, only with the bsc ventilation on. both plates were incubated at 37~c and observed for 30 days. the smears from the isolated colonies were stained with ziehl neelsen and gram techniques, and acid fast bacilli (afb) were identified by conventional methods. results: in 38 plates exposed during st, there was mycobacteria growth in 10 plates (26.3%), fungi in one (2.6%) and bacilli in two (5.3%). among those plates that presented mycobacteria growth, eight (80%) were identified as m. tuberculosis and two (20%) had inconclusive identification. even after decontamination with alcohol solution 70% and uv radiation, two plates presented fungi growth (5.3%) and other two presented cocci growth (5.3%). among 30 plates exposed during it procedures, there was mycobacteria growth in 10 of them (33.3%), fungi in two (6.6%), cocci in one (3.4%) and one (3.4%) mixed mycobacteria and another bacillus. no growth was observed when alcohol solution 70% and uv radiation were used for decontamination after it procedures. conclusion: during the procedures there was aerosol formation with mycobacteria, which was proved by mycobacteria growth on the exposed plates. not only should adequate laboratory techniques be respected to minimize aerosol formation, but professional expertise, the continuity of capacity programs and periodic bsc maintenance should also be observed.
