
Este art赤culo se basa en la hip車tesis de que el escritor mexicano Jorge Volpi utiliza en su novela En busca de Klingsor un formato policial h赤brido y posmoderno. En el primer cap赤tulo se expone brevemente su concepto de realidad cercano al de los fil車sofos y escritores existencialistas que la consideran inasible, contradictoria y ca車tica. En el cap赤tulo dos se analiza primero la inversi車n posmoderna del esquema policial cl芍sico haciendo fracasar la b迆squeda del d迆o detectivesco-cient赤fico Francis Bacon y Gustav Links que presentan al final dos versiones distintas y contradictorias. Luego se estudia los antecedentes biogr芍ficos, el perfil psicol車gico, la conducta moral y el m谷todo de investigaci車n de los dos detectives, mostr芍ndose el primero como un joven norteamericano muy inteligente pero inseguro y sexualmente dependiente de su amante, mientras que su ayudante y gu赤a alem芍n de edad avanzada, educado en los valores de la disciplina, austeridad y nacionalismo, rompe con virtudes importantes como la fidelidad, sinceridad y el compromiso, actuando ambiguamente en diversos 芍mbitos. This papers is based in the hypothesis the Mexican author Jorge Volpi uses in his novel En busca de Klingsor (In search of Klingsor), a postmodern and hybrid detective narrative format. In the first chapter of this study his concept of reality is briefly presented, a concept of reality close to the existentialist philosophers and writers* concept of reality, who considered it as an ungraspable, contradictory and chaotic one. In the second chapter the post-modern inversion of the classic detective fiction scheme is analyzed in the first place, where the detective-scientific duo Francis Bacon and Gustav Links fails presenting two diverse and contradictory versions of what really happened. In the second place, the biographic antecedents, the psychological profile, the moral conduct, and the research method of both detectives are studied. The first detective is shown as a North American young man, who is intelligent but insecure, and sexually dependent on his lover, while his German assistant and guide, an elderly man, educated in the values of discipline, austerity and nationalism, breaks up with important virtues like fidelity, sincerity and commitment, acting in an ambiguous manner in many domains.
