
Paciente sin antecedentes patol車gicos de inter谷s que debuta con diplop赤a y ptosis palpebral izquierda como primera manifestaci車n de met芍stasis hipofisarias de un c芍ncer de origen pulmonar ampliamente diseminado y no conocido previamente. El diagn車stico se hizo con pruebas de imagen espec赤ficas del 芍rea hipofisaria en donde se apreci車 una neoformaci車n en silla turca, que invad赤a el seno cavernoso izquierdo con erosi車n del dorso selar, junto con la presencia de n車dulos pulmonares y m迆ltiples adenopat赤as, adem芍s del estudio histol車gico de las lesiones. Se detect車 un hipogonadismo hipogonadotropo como 迆nica alteraci車n hormonal debido a la infiltraci車n de la hip車fisis anterior por las met芍stasis 車seas en la base del cr芍neo. El paciente, a pesar de recibir varias sesiones de radioterapia, sufri車 un deterioro neurol車gico progresivo falleciendo a las pocas semanas. A patient, without significant previous medical history, who started with diplopia and left palpebral ptosis as the first manifestation of hypophysary metastases of a widely disseminated and previously undetected cancer of pulmonary origin. Together with a histological study of the lesions, the diagnosis was made with specific image tests of the hypophysary area, which detected a neoformation in the sella turca that was invading the left cavernous sinus with erosion of the verso of the sellar, together with the presence of pulmonary nodules and numerous adenopathies. An hypogonadotropic hypogonadism was detected as the only hormonal alteration due to the infiltration of the anterior hypophysis due to the osseous metastases at the base of the cranium. The patient, in spite of receiving several weeks of radiotherapy, suffered a progressive neurological deterioration and died after a few weeks.
