From a biomechanical standpoint, bone geometry and density are factors correlated to the bone resistance of the femur when supporting body weight, with geometric parameters like the diameter of the femoral head and neck, the length of the femoral neck, and the femoral neck angle as determinant factors in the incidence of hip fractures, which increase in frequency and seriousness in osteoporotic patients. In Chile, morphometric data that contributes to relating the anatomy of the proximal epiphysis of the femur as an associated factor in hip fractures does not exist; likewise, there are no anthropometric indexes that may contribute to the forensic sciences. The purpose of this study is to establish average measurements of the proximal epiphysis of the femur in the adult Chilean population. Descriptive Study. The proximal epiphyses of 81 dry adult femurs were analyzed (44 right and 37 left bones), measuring the following parameters: length of the femoral neck (LN), femoral neck angle (FNA), circumference of the femoral head (CH) and circumference of the femoral neck (CN). The statistical relationship between the measurements and the side of each sample was analyzed (t-test p=0.05). The average lengths were LN= 3.59cm (㊣0.43 cm); FNA= 124.17 (㊣6.37), CH= 14.34 cm (㊣1.27 cm) and CN= 9.7 cm (㊣0.87 cm). No significant differences between the left and right sides were found. Average numbers were obtained for the anatomy of the proximal femoral epiphysis from a sample in the Chilean population. With the data obtained, we propose to carry out anatomo-clinical, epidemiologic and forensic studies in this population. Desde un punto de vista biomec芍nico, la geometr赤a y la densidad 車sea son factores correlacionados con la resistencia del hueso del f谷mur al apoyar el peso corporal, con los par芍metros geom谷tricos, como el di芍metro de la cabeza femoral y el cuello, la longitud del cuello del f谷mur, y el 芍ngulo del cuello femoral factores determinantes en la incidencia de fracturas de cadera, que aumentan en frecuencia y gravedad en los pacientes con osteoporosis. En Chile, no existen datos morfom谷tricos que relacionen la anatom赤a de la ep赤fisis proximal del f谷mur como un factor asociado a las fracturas de cadera ni 赤ndices antropom谷tricos que pueden contribuir a las ciencias forenses. El prop車sito de este estudio es establecer las medidas promedio de la ep赤fisis proximal de f谷mur en poblaci車n adulta chilena. Estudio Descriptivo. Se analizaron la ep赤fisis proximal de 81 f谷mures adultos secos (44 derechos y 37 izquierdos), midiendo los siguientes par芍metros: longitud del