Este trabalho avaliou laminas de irriga o no crescimento da cultura do milho (Zea mays L.) para obten o de minimilho, determinadas pela evapotranspira o da cultura, baseadas na evapora o da 芍gua do Tanque ※Classe A§ e aplicadas quando a evapotranspira o atingia os valores acumulados: T1 - 15 mm, T2 - 30 mm, T3 - 45 mm e T4 - 60 mm. Foi utilizado delineamento estat赤stico inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e cinco repeti es. Os resultados foram submetidos 角 an芍lise estat赤stica, pelo programa Sisvar, determinando-se an芍lise de variancia. As m谷dias dos tratamentos foram comparadas a 5% de probabilidade pelo teste de Tukey e pela an芍lise de regress o. Foramselecionadas cinco plantas por parcela para an芍lise das caracter赤sticas de crescimento: estatura da planta (EP), n迆mero de folhas (NF), 芍rea foliar (AF) e 赤ndice de 芍rea foliar (IAF). Observaram-se diferen as significativas nos valores de AF e IAF. O aumento nas laminas de irriga o e na freq邦那ncia de aplica o implicou em maiores valores AF. This research evaluated the variation of depth irrigation in the maize culture growth (Zea mays L.) for obtaining the baby corn, determined from the culture evapotranspiration, based on class A pan evaporation and applied when the evapotranspiration reached follow theaccumulated values: T1 - 15 mm, T2 - 30 mm, T3 - 45 mm and T4 - 60 mm. The statistical design was the outlinement completely whit four treatments and whit five repetitions, the results had been submitted to the statistics analysis for the Sisvar program and determined itvariance analysis and the treatments averages had been compared in 5% of probability for the Tukey test and the regression analysis. Five plants were selected for analysing the growth for parcel. The characteristics that belongs to the growth: plant height (PE), leafnumber (LN), foliar area (FA) and foliar area index (FAI). Were observed significant differences in the values of FA and FAI. The increase in the depth irrigation and the application frequency implied in bigger values of FA and FAI.