Recombinaci車n hom車loga en un paso en el cromosoma de Bacillus thuringiensis

作者:Sansinenea Royano; Estibaliz; Sanchez Alonso; Patricia; Marcelino; E Anastacio; Ibarra Rendon; Jorge; Olmedo alvarez; Gabriela; Vazquez Cruz; Candelario
来源:Agrociencia, 2010.


bacillus thuringiensis is a gram-positive soil bacterium used as a clean bioinsecticide for the environment. although its entomocide proteins are known, little has been studied of its functional genetic, due to the fact that the cell transformation is very difficult. therefore, the development of homologous recombination as a research tool will help to broaden the knowledge of its genetics, even making it possible to modify strains for pest control. in this paper a chromosomal sequence is described, which functionally serves as a substrate for the homologous molecular recombination in the bacterial chromosome of b. thuringiensis var. israelensis ips82. a fragment of 1500 pb of the locus ihri was sequenced (laboratorio nacional de gen車mica para la biodiversidad del centro de investigaci車n y estudios avanzados of irapuato; october, 2007), and the sequence was deposited in genbank (access number gq476797). its nucleotide analysis indicates that this region of the genome of b. thuringiensis var. israelensis ips82 is very similar but not equal to other sequences of bt. this sequence is relatively conserved in various strains of b. thuringiensis, b. cereus and b. anthracis according to the computer and experimental analysis.
