La Plastinaci車n es la t谷cnica m芍s moderna para la conservaci車n de piezas anat車micas y espec赤menes. Esta t谷cnica consta de cuatro etapas: fijaci車n, deshidrataci車n, impregnaci車n forzada y curado. Este trabajo pretende mejorar la eficiencia en la producci車n de 車rganos plastinados mediante la t谷cnica de Plastinaci車n est芍ndar denominada S 10. Se utilizaron ri ones de equinos mestizos criollos provenientes del Frigor赤fico Aimar S/A, ubicado en la zona rural de R赤o Cuarto. Luego de realizar la fijaci車n del 車rgano con formalina se procedi車 a deshidratarlo. La deshidrataci車n se llev車 a cabo en tres sub-etapas donde en cada una de ellas se trabaj車 a la misma temperatura y se utiliz車 como solvente una soluci車n de acetona en diferentes concentraciones. Las mediciones se realizaron con acet車metro registr芍ndose el tiempo insumido para lograr la deshidrataci車n. Los datos se analizaron estad赤sticamente por medio de: an芍lisis de la varianza multivariada y an芍lisis de correlaci車n simple utilizando el paquete estad赤stico InfoStat. Los resultados muestran que los tiempos de deshidrataci車n se ven influenciados por la edad del animal pero no por la posici車n ni por el peso del 車rgano. Plastination is the most modern technique for the preservation of anatomical pieces and specimens. This technique consists of four stages: fixation, dehydration, forced impregnation, and cured. This research aims at improving the efficiency of production plastinated organs through the standard technique known as S10. Kidneys of criole mestizo equines from Frigorifico Aimar S.A placed in the rural area of Rio IV were used. After binding the organ with formalin, it was dehydrated. The dehydration was carried out in three sub-stages working at the same temperature, and a solvent composed of solution of acetone of different concentrations was used. The measurements were analysed with acetometer, keeping register of the time consumption to reach dehydration. The resulting data was statistically analysed using Infostat program. Results showed that the time consumed to reach dehydration was influenced by the horses age but not by the kidney%26apos;s weight, there were no significant differences between right and left kidneys neither.