Grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos de control metab車lico y de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes diab谷ticos tipo 2 en un 芍rea de Atenci車n Primaria

作者:Gonzalez Sarmiento; E; Vielba Dueas; B; Fernandez Galante; I; Manso Garcia; S; San Pedro Martin; Y; Vielba Dueas; D; Fernandez Gonzalez; R
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2005.


diabetes mellitus type is one of de most important health problem in the world, due to its high prevalence and morbidity and its relation with several cardiovascular risk factors. thatˋs why a global action, aimed to prevent these vascular syndromes, is needed. objective: the goal of this study is to detect and determine how cardiovascular risk factor are controlled in diabetic type 2 patients, according to the date supplied by several international organization that have been studied at a health centre of valladolid. methods: it is a descriptive cross-sectional study to evaluate the control of several cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients according to the different stablished criteria. the sample is formed by 74 adult patients (41 men and 33 women), included in the diabetes mellitus programm at health centre of rondilla 2, at east area of primary care of valladolid, in the programmed consultation of cardiovascular risk factors control. results and conclusion: i has been observed that the majority of these cardiovascular risk factors are not well controlled. in this way, stringent mesures of control should be considered in order to prevent the cardiovascular complications related to them.
