
Cadmium (Cd), is an environmental and industrial pollutant that affects the male reproductive system. Cd induces its effect by affecting tissue antioxidant enzyme systems. Green tea extract (GTE) is an antioxidant and free radicals scavenger and has a chelating property. The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effect of GTE against testes damage induced by Cd. Four groups of male rats, were utilized as following: Controls, GTE treated, Cd treated and Cd + GTE, treated rats at the same doses. The rats received GTE and or Cd orally in drinking water. After 5 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and testes were removed for microscopic and Biochemical evaluation. The levels of lipid peroxides (LPO) and glutathione (GSH) were detected in the tissue homogenates of rat testes. The current study showed marked morphological changes in the form of swelling, congestion, hemorrhage and necrosis in testes of rats treated with Cd alone. However, the rats treated with Cd+GTE showed milder edema, congestion and minute foci of necrosis in the testes. The LPO levels were significantly higher as compared to control and of GSH were significantly lower in Cd-treated rats but when GTE was co-administrated with Cd, there was an effective reduction in oxidative stress as shown by a significant rise of GSH level. In conclusion, the rats received GTE + Cd could enhance antioxidant/ detoxification system which consequently reduced the oxidative stress in rat testes. The beneficial effect of GTE is thus potentially reducing Cd toxicity and tissue damage. El cadmio (Cd), es un contaminante del medio ambiente e industrial que afecta al sistema reproductivo masculino. Cd induce su efecto por afecci車n de los sistemas enzim芍ticos antioxidantes de los tejidos. El extracto de t谷 verde (ETV) es un antioxidante y buscador de radicales libres y tiene una propiedad quelante. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto protector de ETV contra da os provocado por Cd a los test赤culos. Cuatro grupos de ratas macho, se utilizaron: Controles, tratados con ETV, tratados con Cd y tratados con Cd + ETV, todas las ratas tratadas con las mismas dosis. Las ratas recibieron ETV o Cd por v赤a oral en el agua potable. Despu谷s de 5 semanas, los animales fueron sacrificados y los test赤culos fueron retirados para la evaluaci車n microsc車pica y bioqu赤mica. Los niveles de per車xidos l赤pidos (LPO) y de glutation (GSH) fueron detectados en el tejido homogenizado de rata test赤culos. El estudio demostr車 marcados cambios morfol車gicos como inflamaci車n, congesti車n, hemorragia y necrosis en los t
