
Two field experiments were carried out in two successive seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 in newly reclaimed soil at Wady Elmollak, Ismailia Governorate, Egypt to study response of two varieties of onion plant ※Giza 20 and Super X§ of foliar spraying of EM ※Effective microorganisms§, amino acids and yeast on growth, and its quality as well as chemical composition. Results showed that Giza 20 cv gave the highest amount of vegetative growth ※plant height and fresh weight of leaves§ in the two seasons. Whilst, Super X cv. gave the highest amount of fresh weight of bulbs and whole plants. Moreover, using Super X cv gave the highest yield and quality on onion. Furthermore, Giza 20 cv. gave the highest amount of T.S.S, N, P and K% as well as some trace elements compared with Super X cv. With regard to foliar application treatments, the results indicated that, using EM, amino acids and yeast had positive promoting effects by providing supplemental doses of these components on growth, yield and its quality as well as all chemical composition compared with control plants. It may be concluded that using yeast at rates of 3 gm./L gives the highest growth parameters. However, using EM at rates of 3 cm/ L gives the highest yield and its quality of onion plants. Generally, it can be found that, using Super X cv. with foliar spraying of EM give the highest amount of growth, yield and quality of onion plants.
