Elevada incid那ncia de anormalidades cromossˋmicas num谷ricas detectadas por FISH multicentrom谷rico em pacientes com mieloma m迆ltiplo

作者:Chauffaille; Maria de Lourdes L F; Ribeiro Jr; Anibal; Yamamoto; Mihoko; Rodrigues; Maria Madalena; Almeida; Manuella S S; Ribas; Christian; Calheiros; Luis A; Colleoni; Giselle W B
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2007.


this study aimed to characterize genetic alterations by interphase multicentromeric fish focusing on chromosomal numerical abnormalities and using some locus specific probes for the most frequent aberrations found in the disease, in a homogeneous cohort of 34 advanced stage, but recently diagnosed mm patients; 97% had numerical chromosomal abnormalities detected by fish, being 75% hyperdiploid, 18% hypodiploid and 3% tri/tetraploid. using locus specific probes, we found 13q deletion in 30% and igh rearrangement in 25% of cases. grouping hypodiploid patients together with del13q (unfavorable group) and comparing them to the remaining cases (non unfavorable group) we found a trend towards younger patients presenting more unfavorable abnormalities (p = 0.06) and significant lower hemoglobin level (hb %26lt; 8.5 mg/dl, p = 0.03).
