Implementaˋˋo financeira e o impacto do mutirˋo de cirurgias de varizes, ap車s a criaˋˋo do Fundo de Aˋˋes Estrat谷gias e Compensaˋˋo (FAEC)

作者:Souza; Maira Oliveira; Miranda Junior; Fausto; Figueiredo; Luiz Francisco Poli de; Pitta; Guilherme Benjamin Brando; Arago; Jose Aderval
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2011.


background: in spite of the fact that the number of surgeries presented by the elective surgery task force did not entirely reflect the reality, it is possible to declare that the financial implementation of the brazilian ministry of health has been significative, as well as the increasing number of varicose vein surgeries, especially after the creation of the strategic actions and compensation fund (faec). objective: to evaluate the application of financial investment in the ministry of health campaign for varicose vein surgery. methods: a transversal study of retrospective nature has been conducted, using information available at the data processing department of the national healthcare system database (datasus). all the authorization of hospital internment from the inferior member varicose vein surgeries, financed by the brazilian ministry of health from january 1998 to december 2004, have been included in the research. results: in 1998, before the implementation of the elective surgery task force, 23,531 varicose vein surgeries have been performed, and r$ 5,819,033.27 invested. after the creation of the faec, 457,026 inferior member varicose vein surgeries have been performed from 1999 to 2004, and r$ 187,760,196.81 were invested with an average of r$ 31,293,336.13 per year. conclusion: thus, it is possible to conclude that the bigger investment from the brazilian ministry of health, represented by the implementation of the elective surgery task forces by the faec, has been responsible for increasing the number of varicose vein surgeries all around brazil.
