
Se estudiaron bibliom谷tricamente los art赤culos que abordan la Nanotecnolog赤a como disciplina cient赤fica indizados en el Web of Science. Para la b迆squeda, se utiliz車 el t谷rmino %26quot;Nanotechnology%26quot; en cualquiera de los campos de las bases de datos producidas por el Institute for Scientific Information de Philadelphia. Se obtuvieron 1 809 registros de art赤culos que se descargaron en formato texto e importaron luego a un fichero del programa EndNote, con vistas a elaborar los 赤ndices de frecuencia de las variables estudiadas. Se identificaron los autores, revistas y 芍reas geogr芍ficas m芍s productivas; en este 迆ltimo aspecto, se evidenci車 el protagonismo de los Estados Unidos, Alemania, Jap車n y el Reino Unido. Se observ車 un crecimiento exponencial del total de art赤culos y ello, es una prueba de la explosi車n que ha experimentado esta novedosa disciplina durante los 迆ltimos a os. Asimismo, se analizaron las colaboraciones bilaterales y multilaterales entre los pa赤ses para el desarrollo de investigaciones nanotecnol車gicas y se valoraron las potencialidades de la Nanotecnolog赤a como disciplina cient赤fica para los pr車ximos a os. This is a bibliometric study of the articles indexed in the Web of Science, which comprises Nanotechnology as a scientific discipline. The word Nanotechnology was chosen as a search strategy in any of the database fields of the Institute for Scientific Information of Philadelphia. A total of 1809 article registries were obtained and downloaded in text pattern, and then sent to a file of the EndNote program, with the aim of creating the frequency indexes of the studied variants. The most productive authors, journals and geographical areas were identified. In this sense, the leading role of the United States, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom was evidenced. An exponential growth in the amount of articles was observed, which shows the boom this new discipline has experienced during the last years. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation among the countries to develop nanotechnological research was analysed, and the Nanotechnology potentials as a scientific discipline for the coming years were also assessed.
