Anafilaxia tras realizaci車n de pruebas cut芍neas en prick

作者:Vazquez Cortes; S; Robledo Echarren; T; Bartolome; B; Garcia Rubio; I; Gonzalez Gutierrez; M L; Martinez Cocera; C
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2007.


the skin prick test (spt) is a simple and fast method used routinely in allergology practice. systemic reactions have been described with this technique on few occasions. we are presenting a case of anaphylaxis with hemodynamic consequences after carrying out skin prick test with a cat dander extract. a 23 years old female who suffered rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma following contact with cats. we performed skin prick test with a battery of the usual inhalants. twenty minutes after carrying out the prick test the patient showed intense ocular irritation and reddening followed by dysphonia and a feeling of pharyngeal occupation. although skin prick test is a safe diagnostic approach, it should be performed only in places equipped to treat anaphylaxis and for trained specialists.
