
作者:Liu Bo; Wei Xiaolan*; Peng Qiang; Ding Jing; Yang Jianping
来源:Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2018, 39(7): 1815-1821.


The DSC method was used to determine the low eutectic melting point and composition of the lithium containing quinary NaCl- KCl- MgCl2- CaCl2 eutectic salt mixture, which was based on the quaternary chloride eutectic mixture. Preparation of the molten salt materials based on the eutectic composition of quinary salt mixture. Thermophysical properties, thermal stability and dynamic circulation heat storage and discharge characteristics were measured to characterize the heat transfer performance of the quinary chloride eutectic mixture. Then the corrosion of the molten salt to iron-based AISI 316L, 310S, 321 stainless steel and nickel base Inconel 625 alloy was determined. Results show that the melting point of the molten salts is 356.5℃, heat of fusion is 150.9 J/g, the average heat capacity of liquid salt at 650℃ is 1.208 J/(g?K), the density is 1. 699 g/cm3, viscosity is 2.56 cp, thermal diffusivity is 0.0104 mm2/s, the thermal conductivity is 0.0213 W/(m?K). The quinary salt mixture showed excellent thermal circling stability under the isothermal condition. Meanwhile, in low oxygen partial pressure, the corrosion of the quinary salt mixture to the four alloys is follow the sequence of 310S, 321, 316L, Inconel 625 decrease in turn. ? 2018, Editorial Board of Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica. All right reserved.
