Qualidade da silagem de grˋo 迆mido em funˋˋo da temperatura ambiente e pressˋo interna de armazenagem

作者:Biaggioni; Marco Antnio Martin; Lopes; Ana Beatriz de Castro; Jasper; Samir Paulo; Berto; Dirlei Antnio; Gonalves; Elisa Vidal
来源:Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy, 2009, 31(3).


in order to establish the contribution of the physical parameters in the final quality of high-moisture corn silage, an experiment was conducted in the interior of a climate-controlled chamber, simulating five conditions of room temperature (5oc 24 hours-1 per day; 25oc 24 hours-1 per day; 40oc 24 hours-1 per day; 20oc 16 hours-1 per day 5oc 8 hours-1 per day; 30oc 16 hours-1 per day 20oc 8 hours-1 per day) and two conditions of pressure in the interior of plastic storage recipient (with and without internal pressure). to determine the effect on the degree of availability of the starch in the ready silage, analyses were carried out to evaluate the final quality of the silage (moisture content, ph, organic acid, total starch and granulometry). the experimental design was completely randomized, with 5x2 factorial schemes, with three repetitions. the obtained results indicated a significant effect of both temperature and pressure parameters, with the better quality index observed in the treatments '30oc 16 hours-1 per day 20oc 8 hours-1 per day', '25oc 24 hours-1 per day' and 'absence of internal pressure'.
