Tribulus terrestris Linn belonging to Zygophyllaceae family commonly known as Goksura is used in Ayurvedic system of medicine; commonly known as Puncture vine. The plant is considered as Diuretic used in Diabetes mellitus and heart diseases. Boerhaavia diffusa Linn belonging to Nyctaginaceae family known as Hogweed and in Ayurveda named as Punarnava. It is also well known for its diuretic and rejuvenating action. Gokshura and Punarnava have been practiced on urinary tract disorders since ancient time. This has been proven that Basti route is provided better effect in short term administration. As this Basti is combination of these only two drugs; this initial attempt was made to evaluate its physico-chemical profile. Pharmacognostically authenticated Tribulus terrestris and Boerhaavia diffusa was used for the preparation of Basti and it was analyzed through qualitative and quantitative analysis for physico-chemical parameters. Fingerprints of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) d High- Performance Thin Layer Chromatography study (HPTLC) also carried out.