
This essay aims at offering a general overview on the Galician exile of 1936, with a particular focus on America, as well as at underlining its differences and peculiarities from the general Spanish case. Thus, several factors are treated, such as the relevance of the interaction between exiles and migrants, as well as the different dynamics of social integration experienced by Galician exiles in the main host countries, and the way in which the communities of exiles interacted with the pre-existing communities of Galician migrants. El art赤culo pretende ofrecer una visi車n general del exilio gallego, principalmente en Am谷rica, desde 1936, incidiendo en sus caracter赤sticas diferenciales y peculiares con respecto al conjunto del exilio republicano espa ol. Se pasa revista, as赤, al peso de la imbricaci車n entre exilio y emigraci車n masiva, as赤 como a las diferentes din芍micas de integraci車n social y de interacci車n entre los exiliados y las colectividades de emigrantes gallegos que tuvieron lugar en los principales pa赤ses de acogida.
