the concept of literature of urgency is introduced to define a type of writing produced in some kind of emergency, in situations that are really close to the edge: in lima barreto%26apos;s specific case this is the basis to the analysis of di芍rio do hosp赤cio (hospice%26apos;s diary) written by the author in 1919-20, while he was a patient in hospital nacional dos alienados, in rio de janeiro, brazil. it demonstrates how this literature has appeared already contaminated by insanity and by the hospital%26apos;s routine, constituting simultaneously a self-writing (l%26apos;谷criture de soi, foucault%26apos;s concept) created to defend a trapped ego dealing with the institution and a document of historical value that accuses, from de the patient%26apos;s point of view, details of the psychiatric routine normally absent from the hospice%26apos;s official literature.