A plastic holographic waveguide combiner for light‐weight and highly‐transparent augmented reality glasses

作者:Takuji Yoshida; Kazutatsu Tokuyama; Yuichi Takai; Daisuke Tsukuda; Tsuyoshi Kaneko; Nobuhiro Suzuki; Takafumi Anzai; Akira Yoshikaie; Katsuyuki Akutsu; Akio Machida
来源:Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2018, 26(5): 280-286.


Abstract(#br)There is a high demand for light‐weight, stylishly designed augmented reality (AR) glasses with natural see‐through capabilities for the wide‐spread distribution of novel wearable device to general consumers. We have successfully developed a unique production process of a holographic wa...