This article offers an analysis of one collectorate record of the Vatican Archive, from which it is possible to count all the incomes and the expenses made along two exercises by Berenguer Ribalta, prior of the convent of Santa Anna of Barcelona, since his nomination as taxman of the Crown of Aragon in September of 1400. In relation to the incomes, the tenths represent the main entry: they are quite or very above other apostolic taxes (annates, procurations, fruits during vacancies, spoils...), although all this would be distorted by the important entry corresponding to the bishopric of Lleida, which rents totally reverted in favour of the Apostolic Chamber. In the chapter of the expenses, it is possible to rebuild the flows of money transfers between Barcelona and Avignon through several bankers, not only Italians, and their respective partners from the Catalan capital. The collection from both exercises amounts to 31 thousand pounds (in money from Barcelona), of which almost 27 thousand were transferred to Avignon, leaving the rest for expenses of management. The results obtained from this collectorate seem to ratify the thesis according to which the Crown of Aragon constituted, behind France, the main financial support of the papacy of Avignon. Este art赤culo contiene el an芍lisis de un registro de colector赤a del Archivo Vaticano, a partir del cual es posible contabilizar todos los ingresos y gastos efectuados a lo largo de dos ejercicios contables por Berenguer Ribalta, prior del convento de Santa Ana de Barcelona, a ra赤z de su nombramiento como colector de la Corona de Arag車n en septiembre de 1400. Por lo que respecta a los ingresos, las d谷cimas ocupan un lugar principal, situ芍ndose bastante o muy por encima de otras tasas apost車licas (anatas, procuraciones, vacantes, expolios#), aunque todo ello quedar赤a distorsionado por la importante entrada que registra el obispado de Lleida, cuyas rentas revertieron 赤ntegramente a favor de la C芍mara Apost車lica. Al margen de los gastos m芍s ordinarios, es posible reconstruir los flujos de transferencia de dinero entre Barcelona y Avi 車n a trav谷s de diversos cambistas, no s車lo italianos, y sus respectivos socios barceloneses. La recaudaci車n, sumando ambos ejercicios, se eleva a m芍s de 31 mil lb.b., de las cuales casi 27 mil fueron transferidas a Avi 車n, dejando el resto para gastos de gesti車n. Los resultados obtenidos de esta colector赤a parecen ratificar la tesis seg迆n la cual la Corona de Arag車n constituy車, despu谷s de Francia, el principal sost谷n financiero del papado avi on谷s.