this paper presents the floristic survey of bryophytes from ferreira penna scientific station (ecfpn), located in the flona caxiuanˋ (1o42'30"s - 51o31'45"w), melgaˋo - par芍, that was undertaken in the first stage of the residence program in amazonian studies, a project of the museu paraense em赤lio goeldi. mosses and liverworts were collected in non-flooded forest (terra firme), flooded forest (v芍rzea and igap車), secondary forest and savanna ecosystems. they were analyzed for composition, richness and diversity. one thousand eighty one occurrences of 120 bryophytes species (79 liverworts and 41 mosses) were recorded; and among them eight liverworts are new references from the state of par芍. the richest and most frequently encountered families were lejeuneaceae (58 spp.), calymperaceae (13 spp.), sematophyllaceae (9 spp.) and plagiochilaceae (7 spp.). the most representative communities were the epiphytic (97 species/ 565 occurrences) and epixylic (65 spp./ 242 ocurr.), followed by foliicolous (27 spp./ 174 ocurr.) and terricolous (15 spp./ 96 ocurr.); and the richest and most diverse ecosystem was the terra firme forest. the composition analysis of the surveyed substrates showed a gradual inversion in the richness ratio between liverworts/mosses, where the liverworts were strongly dominant in leaves, slightly dominant in live and dead trunks and the mosses were dominant in the others substrates. the results of this study, like the new references, contribute for understanding patterns of richness and diversity in amazonia and increase the bryophyte flora of par芍.