Iterative Learning Control Experimental Results in Twin-Rotor Device

作者:Mascaro Palliser R; Costa Castello Ramon; Ramos G A
来源:Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 2017: 6519497.


<jats:p>This paper presents the results of applying the Iterative Learning Control algorithms to a Twin-Rotor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output System (TRMS) in order to achieve high performance in repetitive tracking of trajectories. The plant, which is similar to a prototype of helicopter, is characterized by its highly nonlinear and cross-coupled dynamics. In the first phase, the system is modelled using the Lagrangian approach and combining theoretical and experimental results. Thereafter, a hierarchical control architecture which combines a baseline feedback controller with an Iterative Learning Control algorithm is developed. Finally, the responses of the real device and a complete analysis of the learning behaviour are exposed.</jats:p>

  • 单位
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
