Diagn車stico de la concentraci車n mineral en tejido 車seo de ovinos en pastoreo en el Estado de Yucat芍n, M谷xico

作者:Turriza Chan; Jose L; Castellanos Ruelas; Arturo F; Rosado Rubio; J Gabriel; Hetedia y Aguilat; Manuel; Cabrera Torres; Eduardo
来源:Agrociencia, 2010.


studies on the mineral profile of fodder consumed by grazing ruminants must be completed with information on its effect on the tissues since deficiencies and mineral imbalances are reflected in the body composition and consequently in the productivity of animals. the aim of this study was to quantify four minerals on the twelfth rib of hair sheep grazing in the state of yucat芍n during the rainy season (june-october). fifty farms of sheep breeders were sampled in 47 municipalities and 139 rib samples were collected through biopsies. the contents of ca, k, cu and fe were determined by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. results were statistically analyzed using a completely randomized experimental design with a trifactorial arrangement, including the effect of the geographical area (centre, east, west and south), the physiological status of sheep (weaning, yearling and adult), soil type (luvisol, vertisol, cambisol, rendzina, litosol), double and triple interactions. the geographical location showed no effect (p%26gt; 0.05) on the ca content; the average was 42.7 %, above 36 % (considered normal). in the eastern and central zones, 33 % and 27 % of the samples recorded a ca content below normal. in addition, the average concentrations of k (0.017 %), cu (0.68 ppm) and fe (4.6 ppm) were lower than normal levels. weaning showed the lowest ca content (p 0.05) of the soil type on the content of ca, k, cu and fe. it was concluded that there are ca deficiencies in the central zone which affect the lambs mostly at weaning. deficiencies of k, cu and fe were also detected in bone.
