
this work presents a floristic survey of the pteridophytes of the mata da colˋnia, mata da chuva and mata da reserva, in the municipality of bonito (pernambuco, brazil). the place is a %26quot;brejo de altitude%26quot; (ca. 700-800m), whose vegetation is differentiated of the local typical caatinga, conditioned mainly by the high altitude, geographical position and climatic aspects which are favorable to the development of the pteridophytes. seventeen trips were done to the place with the purpose to collect and observe the species. about 400 samples of pteridophytes specimens were responsible to the improvement of herbaria collection. the study indicated the existence of 93 species and two varieties, distributed in 42 genera and 17 families. the most representative families were polypodiaceae with 17 species and one variety, thelypteridaceae and pteridaceae, both with 11 species. the genus thelypteris schmidel presented the largest number of species, with nine (and one variety), followed by asplenium l., with seven. most of the species came as herbaceous, terrestrial and hemicryptophytes, inside of the forest. this pteridoflora presented expressive richness, with the registration of 12 new references for the state, which seven had not still been mentioned for the northeast region of brazil.
