Depressˋo p車s-parto em pu谷rperas: conhecendo interaˋˋes entre mˋe, filho e fam赤lia

作者:Silva; Francisca Claudia Sousa da; Araujo; Thiago Moura de; Araujo; Marcio Flavio Moura de; Carvalho; Carolina Maria de Lima; Caetano; Joselany afio
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2010.


objectives: to study the interaction of puerperal women who have postpartum depression and to understand the perception of family about the disease and maternal care provided by these mothers. methods: this is an exploratory and qualitative study which had as a subject of study four puerperal women (with postpartum depression, being followed at the psychosocial care center in the municipality of quixada, state of ceara) and four relatives. home visits were made to carry out the interviews. the data were analyzed according to the content analysis technique proposed by morse and field. results: the main changes reported were emotional easy-tears and nervousness. the puerperal women were frustrated and/or lacking confidence in the exercise of motherhood. to make matters worse it was observed that the families were unaware of the postpartum depression problem. conclusion: nursing care in this situation should begin assessing the prenatal self-esteem, the received social support from the network and the mother satisfaction.
