Amiloidose macular de localizaˋˋo at赤pica

作者:Melo; Barbara Lima Araujo; Costa; Igor Santos; Goes; Clara de Assis Martins; Tigre; Celina Aguiar Frota; Andre; Nara Frota
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


macular amyloidosis is a form of cutaneous amyloidosis characterized by dusky-brown lesions usually located on the upper back between the shoulder blades. this report describes the case of a 45year-old female presenting with hyperpigmented macules and lace-like, non-pruritic erythema in the sacral and cervical region as well as on both arms and legs. histology revealed amyloid deposits in the papillary dermis which exhibited apple-green birefringence after congo red staining. there were no systemic findings. this is a case of macular amyloidosis with an unusual presentation. the literature on the subject is also reviewed
