Endopr車tese ramificada de art谷ria il赤aca interna no tratamento de aneurisma a車rtico associado a aneurisma bilateral das art谷rias il赤acas comuns

作者:Ferreira; Marcelo Martins da Volta; Capotorto; Luis Fernando; Rondon; Giafar Abuhadba; Monteiro; Marcelo Wiliams; Soares; Cyntia de Moraes Rego; Azevedo; Luiz Lanziotti
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2006.


embolization of internal iliac arteries is usually performed during endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysms, with the aim of preventing occurrence of endoleaks. however, the association of this procedure with several postoperative sequelae is frequent, due to reduced pelvic blood flow. for this reason, there is the need to develop devices and strategies to preserve internal iliac arteries during endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysms. in this study, we describe a pioneering use of a helical sidebranch (cook) branched stent-graft to the internal iliac artery, which was performed with immediate technical success and satisfactory postoperative control.
