Site testing at Muztagh-ata site Ⅱ:seeing statistics

作者:Jing Xu; Ali Esamdin; Jin-Xin Hao; Jin-Min Bai; Ji Yang; Xu Zhou; Yong-Qiang Yao; Jin-Liang Hou; Guang-Xin Pu; Guo-Jie Feng; Chun-Hai Bai; Peng Wei; Shu-Guo Ma; Abudusaimaitijiang YisikANDee; Le-Tian Wang; Xuan Zhang; Liang Ming; Lu Ma; Jin-Zhong Liu; Zi-Huang Cao; Yong-Heng Zhao; Lu Feng; Jian-Rong Shi; Hua-Lin Chen; Chong Pei; Xiao-Jun Jiang; Jian-Feng Wang; Jian-Feng Tian; Yan-Jie Xue; Jing-Yao Hu; Yun-Ying Jiang
来源:Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 20(06): 99-108.


In this article,we present a detailed analysis of the statistical properties of seeing for the Muztaghata site which is a candidate site for hosting the future Chinese Large Optical/infrared Telescope(LOT)project.The measurements were obtained with differential image motion monitors(DIMMs) from April2017 to November 2018 at different heights during different periods.The median seeings at 11 m and6 m are very close but significantly different from that on the ground.We mainly analyzed the seeing at11 m monthly and hourly,having found that the best season for observing was from late autumn to early winter and seeing tended to improve during the night only in autumn.The analysis of the dependence on temperature inversion,wind speed and direction also was made and the best meteorological conditions for seeing are given.