
the micotic aneurisms by aspergillus are rare and usually appear in the context of an invasive pulmonary aspergilosis, or by septicum embolism or direct extension from the lungs, for that reason the location the more frequents is in aortic arch and the ascending aorta. 8 cases of micotic aneurisms by aspergillus spp. have been described in literature between 1966 and 2000, being the most frequent location the ascending aorta or the aortic arch. the aspergillus fumigatus is the isolated species with more frequency, affecting mainly to patients undergoing inmunosupression. the diagnosis of a micotic aneurism requires a high clinical suspicion, given to its peculiarity and the presence of inespecific symptoms, being frequently an accidental finding in an invasive pulmonary aspergilosis. the case of a patient with a micotic aneurism by a. fumigatus appears and we reviewed the similar cases previously disclosed.
