
作者:张姣; 李亚安*; Wasiq Ali; 刘恋
来源:Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2020, 19(01): 148-154.


To detect weak underwater acoustic signals radiated by submarines and other underwater equipment, an effective line spectrum enhancement algorithm based on Kalman filter and FFT processing is proposed. The proposed algorithm first determines the frequency components of the weak underwater signal and then filters the signal to enhance the line spectrum, thereby improving the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR). This paper discussed two cases: one is a simulated signal consisting of a dual-frequency sinusoidal periodic signal and Gaussian white noise, and the signal is received after passing through a Rayleigh fading channel;the other is a ship signal recorded from the South China Sea. The results show that the line spectrum of the underwater acoustic signal could be effectively enhanced in both cases, and the filtered waveform is smoother. The analysis of simulated signals and ship signal reflects the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.