
Apresentam-se resultados de levantamento flor赤stico das esp谷cies de Vochysia Aubl. (Vochysiaceae St. Hil.) no Estado do Paran芍, baseado em material fresco coletado nas diversas regi es fitogeogr芍ficas deste Estado e em material exsicatado, depositado em herb芍rios nacionais e estrangeiros. Foram registradas tr那s esp谷cies: V. tucanorum Mart., V. bifalcata Warm. e V. magnifica Warm. Inclui-se chave dicot mica para identifica o, assim como descri es, nomes populares, usos, fenologia, distribui o geogr芍fica e ilustra es paracada esp谷cie identificada. The results of a floristic survey of Vochysia Aubl in the state of Paran芍 are presented. The analysis was based on fresh material collected in different regions of the state as well as on dried material from several national and foreign herbaria. Three species were registered: V. tucanorum Mart., V. bifalcata Warm. and V. magnifica Warm. A key to differentiate the species is presented and for each species, the botanical description, common names, phenology data, the geographic distribution, uses and illustrations are included.
