The article studies the history of the archives of the Cistercian monastery at Fitero (Navarre) in the Middle Ages, comparing the documentation available with references to it in a number of archive inventories of the modern age. A total of 135 mediaeval documents dated after 1210 have been conserved (the year in wich the Cartulary of Fitero was completed), of which 65 are originals and the rest copies of important privileges that were conserved in the monastery∩s archives, using later versions in their place when it was necessary to demonstrate the monastery∩s rigths. Others were obtained from the 16th century onwards as a result of claims presented by the monastery in defence of its interest before the courts of law of Navarre, and to a lesser extent those of Spain. The comparison of the documentation with the archive inventories of the 17th and 18th centuries has enabled us to determine that the loss of some important original documents had been detected at the time, and great care was taken to preserve the remaining items. From this it can be deduced that the negative effects on the conservation of the documentary patrimony, due to the Desamortizaci車n (confiscation of church property) of Mendiz芍bal among other things, became a non-corroborated clich谷 to a certain extent in the case of the archive at Fitero, which has fortunately conserved most of its mediaeval documentation. El art赤culo estudia la historia del archivo del monasterio cisterciense de Fitero (Navarra) en la Edad Media, contrastando la documentaci車n existente con las referencias de la misma en diversos inventarios archiv赤sticos de la edad moderna. Se han conservado un total de 135 documenrtos medievales posteriores a 1210 (fecha en que se termin車 el Cartulario de Fitero), de los que 65 son originales y el resto copias de privilegios importantes que se quer赤an preservar en el archivo mon芍stico, utilizando en su lugar versiones m芍s tard赤as cuando hab赤a que demostrar los derechos de la entidad. O conseguidas a partir del s. XVI con ocasi車n de las demandas presentadas por el monasterio en defensa de sus intereses, ante los tribunales navarros y en menor medida castellanos. El cotejo de la documentaci車n con los inventarios de archivo de los s. XVII y XVIII, ha permitido determinar que ya en esa 谷poca se hab赤a detectado la p谷rdida de algunos originales importantes, poni谷ndose gran cuidado en la preservaci車n de los restantes. De lo que se deduce que los efectos negativos para la conservaci車n del patrimonio documental achacables entre otras causas a la Desamortizaci車n de Mendiz芍bal, se conviert