Portal Holgu赤n: un camino hacia la met芍fora visual

作者:Guerra avila; Edith; de Zayas; Maria Rosa; Mas Basnuevo; Anays; Ochoa; Ana Maria; Garcia Escalona; Leonid; Hernandez Perdomo; Reynaldo; Rodriguez Gamez; Orlando; Parra Valdes; Dermidio; Guarch Rodriguez; Juan; La O Osorio; Jose A
来源:ACIMED, 2007.


the evolution of the holgu赤n portal as a web development project in the last 5 years is analyzed. some elements contributing to the achievement of a usable, visible and retrievable portal by the internet search engines are assessed. the remodeling of the science site in the province is summarized and the progress of the site of the center of research and technological and environmental services of holgu赤n is approached.
