Aˋˋo da adenosina na circulaˋˋo pulmonar de pacientes com hipertensˋo pulmonar prim芍ria

作者:Souza; Rogerio; Amato; Marcelo Britto Passos; Demarzo; Sergio Eduardo; Deheinzelin; Daniel; Barbas; Carmen Silvia Valente; Caruso; Pedro; Carvalho; Carlos Roberto Ribeiro
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2005.


background: the nucleoside adenosine is a potent vasodilator. although its effect on the pulmonary arteries is well known, its influence on capillaries and veins has yet to be described. objective: to evaluate the pre- and post-administration effects of adenosine on arterial and venous resistance in the pulmonary circulation of patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. method: the study involved 7 patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and presenting a positive response to adenosine on the acute test. before and after adenosine administration, arterial and venous resistances were determined by estimating pulmonary capillary pressure through analysis of pulmonary artery pressure decay curves. results: following adenosine administration, there was an increase in the cardiac index (from 1.71 ㊣ 0.23 to 2.72 ㊣ 0.74 l/min-1/m-2) and a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance (from 2924 ㊣ 1060 to 1975 ㊣ 764 dynes/s/cm-5/m-2) with no significant variations in mean pulmonary artery pressure (pre: 75.6 ㊣ 16.8 mmhg; post: 78.1 ㊣ 18.8 mmhg), pulmonary wedge pressure (pre: 15.3 ㊣ 1.5 mmhg; post: 15.4 ㊣ 1.9 mmhg) and pulmonary capillary pressure (pre: 43.8 ㊣ 5.8 mmhg; post: 44.5 ㊣ 4.9 mmhg). the ratio between arterial resistance and total pulmonary vascular resistance also presented a less than significant variation (pre: 50 ㊣ 15%; post: 49 ㊣ 17%). these findings suggest that adenosine affects the capillaries and veins as well as the arteries. conclusion: we can conclude that the adenosine mechanism is not restricted to the arterial aspect of the pulmonary circulation, and that analysis of pulmonary capillary pressure could prove useful in the study of various drugs that affect the pulmonary circulation.
