
the 178/2002 regulation establishes the obligation to insure the traceability of food in all the stages of its production, transformation and distribution which should be applied throughout the territory of the european union as of january 1, 2005. undoubtedly, this obligation presumes a challenge of the first order for a food system in its entirety and for each and every one of the businesses involved. in this context, it is convenient to make available objective and up to date information about this new instrument and its application to the food business. the objective of this work is to develop an analysisof the different experiences of implementing systems of trazability in one of the main food sub sectors, the meat sub sector, in order to construct, from these experiences, a methodological proposal that can be used for the set of businesses that still have not assumed their obligation in the area of traceability. the basic reason for this election is that it deals with one of the most involved sub sectors in the area of traceability given that it has been required previously from the great distribution. consequently, in it a certain number of successful experiences from which lessons can be learned which will give substance to this work are outlined.
