The testicular and epididymal parameters of Sahel bucks in the humid zone of Nigeria was investigated. Twenty goats (30-54 months) weighing 23.48-32.03kg were used for the experiment. The scrotal circumference of the buck was measured. The bucks were then slaughtered and the testicles as well as the epididymides collected. The testicular weight, testicular diameter, testicular length and epididymal length were measured using a non-stretchable measuring tape. These parameters were correlated with one another and the values of the right testis and epididymis were compared with those of the left. The scrotal circumference was positively correlated with the testicular weight (r = 0.769, P%26lt;0.01), testicular diameter (r = 0.827, P%26lt;0.01), testicular length (r=0.671, P%26lt;0.05) and the epididymal length (r = 0.664, P%26lt;0.05). It was concluded that the scrotal circumference is a reliable guide in the selection of the sahel buck for breeding in the humid zone of Nigeria. Fueron investigados los par芍metros testicular y epid赤dimario de las cabras Sahel en la zona h迆meda de Nigeria. Se utilizaron para el experimento 20 cabras (30-54 meses) con un peso entre 23,48-32,03kg. Se midi車 la circunferencia escrotal de las cabras. Los animales fueron sacrificados y se recolectaron los test赤culos, as赤 como el epid赤dimo de cada uno. Fueron medidos el peso de los test赤culos, di芍metro testicular, longitudes testicular y epididimaria utilizando una cinta m谷trica no extensible. Estos par芍metros fueron correlacionados entre s赤 y los valores obtenidos a cada lado de test赤culos y epid赤dimos fueron comparados entre s赤. La circunferencia escrotal se correlacion車 positivamente con el peso testicular (r = 0,769, P %26lt;0,01), di芍metro testicular (r = 0,827, P %26lt;0,01), longitud testicular (r = 0,671, P %26lt;0,05) y la longitud del epid赤dimo (r = 0,664, P %26lt;0,05). Se concluy車 que la circunferencia escrotal es una gu赤a confiable en la selecci車n de la cabra Sahel para la cr赤a en la zona h迆meda de Nigeria.