
the training of information professionals requires an integrative vision that assesses the meaning and importance museums have had and still have. the history of the museums has evolved just as the history of humanity; the origin of the term mouseion, dates back to the worship to the muses in the old greek regions of tracia and beocia. in america, as opposed to europe, the museums consolidated the nationalist and historic feelings. museology is the field of knowledge that confers formality and scientific rigorousness to the museum activity. starting from the dimensions of analysis proposed by van mensch (1995), the most significant elements of museum knowledge can be established; nevertheless, these dimensions cannot be seen as an abstract atomization of the knowledge in museology; they are, on the contrary, complementary verifiable elements. while the theoretical-empirical approach is of an especially heuristic character, that of the functional rationality aims to the design of behavior strategies, whereas the critic-philosophical approach seeks to develop a definitive point of view of paradigmatic connotations.
