The reconstruction algorithm for BESⅢ Muon Counter, MucRecAlg, is developed with the objectoriented language C++ in BESⅢ offine software environment. MucRecAlg consists of the following functions:to find track seeds either from extrapolation of tracks in the main drift chamber or from the fired strips in muon counter, to select fired strips associated to the candidate tracks, to fit the candidate tracks with a linear or quadratic function and to calculate other parameters of the tracks for muon identification. Monte Carlo samples are generated to check the performance of the reconstruction package, such as reconstruction effciency, muon remaining rate and pion rejection rate, etc. The preliminary results show that the pion rejection rate is around 3%—4% while the muon remaining rate is better than 90% in 0.4—1.6 GeV/c momentum region, which meets the requirement as shown in the design report.
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