
<正>China’s Beidou Navigation2 Satellite3 System has been used in more than half of the world’s countries and places.中国北斗导航卫星系统已在全球一半以上的国家和地区使用。Yang Changfeng, who is also a national political4adviser, said that the system will soon used for navigation and positioning5services to every user in "any corner of the planet".国家政治顾问杨长风(音)表示,该系统很快将为"地球任何角落"的每一位用户提供导航和定位服务。"This year the Beidou network will be finished. The last satellite in it has been taken to the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. It will be launched6in June," he said.杨长风说:"今年北斗网络将建成。其中最后一颗卫星已被运送到西昌卫星发射中