During their exile in Mexico, a sizable number of the politically active female minority in the Republican period participated in the reconstruction of women*s organizations that had functioned in Spain during the civil war, having joined together in a group known as the ※Antifascist Women*s Association§. Thus, in the 1940s, the Union of Spanish Women was formed. Their mission involved providing solidarity and material support to the women and men incarcerated in the Franco dictatorship and pursued a ※feminine but not feminist§ policy maintaining fluid relations between their private domestic duties and the public sphere, which would endure from the 40s through to 1960s. Durante el exilio en M谷xico, una parte significativa de la minor赤a femenina activa en pol赤tica en el per赤odo republicano se dedic車 a la reconstrucci車n de una de las organizaciones de mujeres que hab赤an funcionado en Espa a durante la guerra, la ※Agrupaci車n de Mujeres Antifascistas§. As赤 se cre車 en los a os cuarenta la Uni車n de Mujeres Espa olas, dedicada en especial a la solidaridad material con las mujeres y los hombres presos dentro de las c芍rceles franquistas. Su actividad pol赤tica desarrollada a partir de un discurso ※femenino pero no feminista§ plantea la fluida relaci車n existente entre el espacio privado del hogar y lo p迆blico, en relaci車n con las actividades antifranquistas emprendidas por estas mujeres desde los a os cuarenta hasta los sesenta.