Acroangiodermatite (pseudossarcoma de Kaposi): uma condiˋˋo raramente reconhecida. Um caso na planta do p谷 associado a insufici那ncia venosa crˋnica

作者:Pimentel; Maria Ines Fernandes; Cuzzi; Tullia; Azeredo Coutinho; Rilza Beatriz Gayoso de; Vasconcellos; erica de Camargo Ferreira E; Benzi; Tatiana Silva Costa Gregory; Carvalho; Livia Martins Veloso de
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


acroangiodermatitis, often known as pseudo-kaposi sarcoma, is an uncommon angioproliferative entity related to chronic venous insufficiency, arteriovenous fistulae, paralysed limbs, amputation stumps, vascular syndromes and conditions associated with thrombosis. it presents most frequently as purple macules, papules or plaques in the dorsal aspects of the feet, especially the toes, and the malleoli. we report a case of acroangiodermatitis in the plantar aspect of the foot, misdiagnosed for two years, in which haematoxylin-eosin hystopathological stain and immunolabeling with cd34 histochemistry examination were decisive for diagnosis. patient had chronic venous insufficiency. the lesion responded well to the treatment with a combination of leg elevation and compression
