The HⅠ Gas Fraction Scaling Relation of the Green Pea Galaxies

作者:刘思琦; 罗阿理; 张伟; 张彦霞; 孔啸; 赵永恒
来源:Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2023, 23(06): 58-66.


Green Pea galaxies are compact galaxies with high star formation rates. However, limited samples of Green Pea galaxies have H I 21 cm measurements. Whether the H I gas fraction( fH I≡ MH I/M★) of Green Pea galaxies follows the existing scaling relations between the fH Iand NUV-r color or linear combinations of color and other physical quantities needs checking. Using archival data of H I 21 cm observations, we investigate the scaling relation of the NUV-r color with the MH I/M★of 38 Green Pea galaxies, including 17 detections and 21 nondetections. The H I to stellar mass ratios( fH I) of Green Pea galaxies deviate from the polynomial form, where a higher H I gas fraction is predicted given the current NUV-r color, even with the emission lines removed. The blue sources(NUV-r < 1) from the comparison sample(ALFALFA-SDSS) follow a similar trend. The H I gas fraction scaling relations with linear combination forms of-0.34(N UV-r)-0.64 log(μ★,z)+5.9 and-0.77 logμ★, i+ 0.26logS FRM★ +8.53, better predict the H I gas fraction of the Green Pea galaxies. In order to obtain accurate linear combined forms, higher-resolution photometry from space-based telescopes is needed.