Los delitos contra la agresi車n sexual constituyen uno de los temas de mayor inter谷s en el momento actual y en diferentes campos sociales (judicial, m谷dico, policial, criminol車gico...). La importancia radica en la frecuencia de los mismos y las repercusiones legales, f赤sicas y psicol車gicas que conllevan. Debido a ello es importante tener clara la pauta de actuaci車n en urgencias frente a tales delitos, siendo minucioso en la realizaci車n del informe ginecol車gico y en la toma de muestras, ofertando profilaxis de enfermedades de transmisi車n sexual y embarazos no deseados y prestando apoyo psicol車gico. Offences involving sexual assault are an issue of the greatest current interest in different social fields (legal, medical, police, criminological...). They are significant due to their frequency and to the legal, physical and psychological repercussions involved. It is therefore important to clearly understand the pattern of action in Accidents and Emergencies facing such cases. Great detail is required in the gynaecological report and the taking of samples, prophylaxes for sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies must be given and psychological support provided.