
a 37-year-old male was admitted at our hospital for evaluation of clinical presentation of 8 weeks evolution of malaise, fever, sore throat and nose, arthralgias, holocraneal headache, photophobia and nausea. with the shower he noticed spots in palms of hands and plants of feet. a year before had noticed painless erosions in foreskin. he had risk factors for sexual transmission diseases. the analytical showed criteria of dissociated colestasis, nephrotic syndrome, presence of circulating anticoagulant, and positivity for the reaginic and specific serological syphilis. in an abdominal ultrasonic multiple, focal and small liver lesions were watched. with two weeks of treatment with penicillin the clinical manifestations reverted, and the analytical and of image was watched bettering, which dissapeared at the three montnths of treatment. we comment the rich clinical expression and the peculiarities of presenting focal liver lesions and circulating anticoagulant, in a case of secondary syphilis.
